It is a strange feeling to write without really knowing to who. I didn’t create this webpage with a specific goal in mind, I always wanted to do something, however, for years I have only managed to make up excuses for delay. For once, I decided to just start, without having a concrete plan.
The choice of the name is no more than a mere interpretation of something that showed up in front of me, in that moment, it struck me that the world is a jungle, as chaotic as it feels sometimes, yet everything is interconnected with perfect harmony. In that jungle, I feel like a maniac as in the obsessive enthusiast sense of the word.
So what is this webpage going to be about? That question is really easier asked than answered, it is in fact one of the questions that made me delay getting started in the first place, lets call this the fear of success, I will leave this as a topic for another day – maybe.
For now, this webpage will determine its own fate helping me to determine what I am most passionate about along the way, I will dedicate one day a week to writing an article, share my thoughts, or something that I find interesting.
Thank you;